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Java based wumpus game for artifical intelligences

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Wumpus world problem

Inside the wumpus world there is an agent that wants to find the gold of the monster called wumpus. The world consists of rectangular fields. Each step the agend can move only one field up, down, left or right.

At the fields around the wumpus the agent can smell a stench. At the fields around a trap the agend can fell a breeze. And (depending on the variant of the problem) at the fields around the gold a twinkle. The agend knows always on wich field he is but can not see anything of the world except the field hes standing on.

600px-wumpus_welt svg

The agent also has a bow with one ore more arrows. Using this bow he can try to shoot the wumpus by shooting into one direction (up, down, left, right).

The agend has to move through the wumpus world and tries to find the gold and detect positions of traps and the wumpus.
